on the Telly ! Our contribution to ITV Teletext... first appeared on Weds 29.11.00 |
The recent strains of dissenting Gallic voices seems to have provoked more than just the odd feeling of deja vu. So, here we proudly present Les Miserables: Goma - scored against the Smoggies, looked good and then it's bon voyage Dumas - swept up superbly at Highbury and then announces he's homesick Charvet - penalty-giver extraordinaire Domi - best kept away from the trenches Guivarc'h - World Cup winner allegedly Perez - libel laws prevent us saying too much about this disgrace Saha - showed promise but preferred to join compatriot at Harrods FC Terrier - lacked bite, came from Metz but looked like he'd been drinking it Ginola - l'enfant terrible. Should have been a legend. Ego the size of his grand nez held him back. Nice hair.... Niall Mackenzie |