on the Telly ! Our first foray onto the gogglebox, courtesy of ITV Teletext's fanzine view feature.... This appeared on Weds 11.10.00 |
As another exotic South American arrives on Tyneside, and local interpreters rub their hands in glee, are we the only ones less than happy with this trend ? We now have a Peruvian, Paraguayan, Chilean and three Argentineans all anxious to learn how to say "does the central heating go any higher?" in Geordie. In these days of global air travel, South America is still a mighty long way from Newcastle, and their teams seem to play more internationals than most. In fact, the current World Cup campaign has an unbelievable sixteen matches per country. Our Asprilla experience proved that once a player is away, you never quite know when hell return. While United have first call on Gavilan and Solano looks now to be out of favour, what of Acuna Bassedas, Cordone and Bonvin ? Surely good performances for United will hasten an international recall ? Crucially, our six are all midfielders, which looks like an eggs/basket scenario. Perhaps Bobby is gambling on them never all being away together. Whatever happens, our South Americans may not quite be the bargains we thought.... Biffa |